Welcome to my Blog

So, I've decided to keep a blog for those who are interested in seeing pictures of the things I'm doing in my makeup classes. For those who don't know i'm getting my certificate in Theatre Makeup at the JC in Santa Rosa, and then i'm planning on going to REBC, and getting my cosmetology certificate. My dream job is to become a makeup artist who gets to work on sets for magazine photo shoots, or tv, or maybe even movies! I dont know yet, but i'm liking what i'm doing. Enjoy the pictures!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Wonka pics

In November i was apart of the Wonka production at the JC as a makeup and costume crew memeber. The two characters i had to do makeup for were Willy Wonka, and Mrs. Bogart. These are some pics that were taken of me doing her makeup. The makeup artist, who's my theatre makeup teacher, wanted this character to have crazy makeup and hair.

Yes, i have blue eyebrows...I was the woompa loompa makeup test model. they were'nt sure how what they were going to do at the first dress rehersal.
They had me cover her eyebrows and redraw them on up higher and skinnier. Then thick eye makeup, and crazy BIG eye lashes.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Something New

If any one who's reading this likes you tube makeup videos, then you should chech out kandee johnson. i've been watching her and subscribe to her. she's a professional makeup artist and she is super cute and freindly. also, she often has deals for you when it comes to buying products. if you go to crownbrush.com you can order a whole set of 15 makeup brushes for only $29 and you dont have to pay for shipping when you type in kandee as the code. usually they're 50 something. and they're professional brushes. anyways, she's super funny, and you should chech her out!

Thursday, November 18, 2010


The Theatre Makeup Class Explores the fun of WIGS!!

I think I make quite a handsome man, dont' you?

Friday, November 12, 2010

Halloween! Muhahahahaha

Here are some Halloween pictures of Jeff and I. He had fun scaring the little kids on Halloween night.

We had a blue light and a fog machine going when we opened the door.

Saturday, November 6, 2010


Ahh! This makeup class is aging me so fast!

And no, those are not real moles on my neck above! I made them.

MMM, doesn't this look delicious? I had a blast using the fake blood and making gross cuts and stuff. Just in time for halloween too...maybe I should put those pictures up.

Another girl in my class did this and i thought it looked so real that I needed a picture of it.

This was my "Glamor" look where we had to use 3-D affects

This is what happens when you're a tourist in Germany...Nah, I'm just joking. This is what happens when a microwave explodes next to you. We had to come up with an "accident" that happened to us. I asked Jeff what my story should be, and he came up with a dumb blonde who put foil in the microwave. What's funny is that I've actually done that before, but I figured out quickly that I had just done something stupid.

Don't you all wish you were taking this class now?

Friday, November 5, 2010

This was our first project. We were supposed to do an abstract design that reflected our partner in the class.

"Asian Makeup"